Securities Laws and Regulations
- Advising on all securities laws including Securities Contract Regulation Act, Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, Take Over Regulations, Insider Regulations etc.
- Secretarial due diligence process in relation to IPO's/FPO's
- Liaison and co-ordinate with the Registrar and Share Transfer Agents, Stock Exchange, Depositories and the Securities and Exchange Board of India Services to Banks / FIs Services to the Banks / Financial Institutions.
- Listing of Securities on Stock Exchanges.
- Preferential Issues / Private Placements.
- Right Issues.
- Compliances under Listing Agreements
- Compliances under the Code of Corporate Governance
- Secretarial Audit
- Takeover Code & Open Offers
- Insider Trading Compliances
- Delisting of Securities
- Liasoning with authorities like SEBI,NSDL, CDSL, Stock Exchanges, etc.